Reviews of A Musical Offering
A beautiful, fragmentary rendition which never strikes a false note.’ – review by Catherine Taylor in the Irish Times
‘In Fionn Petch’s finely phrased translation, both the ground bass of Sagasti’s core motifs and the flamboyant passagework that adorns them consistently ring true.’ The Sounds of Silence – Review in The Arts Desk by Boyd Tonkin
Announcing our July Book Club Selection: A Musical Offering by Luis Sagasti – Review in Asymptote Journal by Josefina Massot
‘The loneliest whale in the world’ – The Monthly Booking blog review by Eleanor Updegraff
A Musical Offering – neverimitate blog review by Jackie Law
A Note-Perfect Ode to Wonder – BookBlast blog review by Victor Meadowcroft
‘Sagasti alights on his subjects momentarily before flitting onto the next, assembling a dizzying web of connections and relationships that keep returning to his structuring motif—that of hiatus and return […] He is fascinated by the moment of exit, the last time that the song is sung—the exact threshold of forgetting.’ – blog review by Oliver Arditi